Giving information about the incident ajijura Sheikh Rahman said, approximately 2 dead 9-year-old killer Sajid Shaikh and working at the same company and the same room and had been living. The deceased Sheikh Sajid always cooked Indian citizens who were khuvaudai. Himself, began to eat the food that the issue of creating a separate sitting open sajidale Rosa struck sekhalai kurcile said.
Anger erupted, I stole Indian national sajidale Kala foot strike, Shekh head and eye injuries seem deep enough to die pugekole news News Saudi his nearest person, he says.
Get the information as soon as killed in Saudi Arabia Sajid curiharalai police custody and took control of the sekhaka doing further investigation informed Saudi nearest person.
Shekh dead in Nepal father, mother, wife and infant daughter, the only one in the ajijura Sheikh Rahman said.
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